Ihr lokaler Verkaufskontakt

Sales Manager Defense

Bob MacLeod
+1 978 392 3806
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3D Mapping / Gesture Recognition

AR headsets integrate a number of Near-Infrared cameras for 3D mapping of the environment, for gesture and facial recognition and Eye Tracking.

Our NIR Bandpass filters with it’s low angle-dependent wavelength shift for a large Field-of-View are an essential component in such NIR-based sensors and cameras and contribute to the accurate acquisition of 3D depth information.

3D mapping of the environment requires active illumination of the scene in the near infrared range which in mobile devices such as Smartphones and Headsets is done with compact VCSEL laser flood illuminators.

Our antireflex coatings that are deposited onto the collimation lenses and diffusors for such illumination modules help to greatly improve the overall system efficiency and thus minimize overall power consumption, which is an important characteristics for battery-powered mobile devices.

In order to safely operate the VCSEL lasers and prevent damage in the human eye the illumination modules often integrate an interlock circuit in the optical stack of the illumination module.

With our resistance controlled, patterned Chrome Coatings we offer a solution that facilitates the integration of such safety-relevant sensing circuits into the illumination path of 3D Imaging modules.