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Bob MacLeod
+1 978 392 3806
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Facial Recognition

Recent technological advancements in wafer-scale manufacturing of Imaging Optics (Wafer-Level Optics) have enabled the integration of compact 3D camera modules for gesture control and facial recognition into Smartphones.

Materion Balzers Optics has a comprehensive portfolio of coating solutions that supports cost-efficient wafer-level manufacturing of 3D imaging- or smartphone camera modules.

Our unique solution portfolio for Facial Recognition and Wafer Level Cameras includes:

  • Antireflective Coatings for Polymer Lens Wafers - qualified to withstand environmental testing
  • Near-Infrared Bandpass Filters for 3D Imaging - low CWL shift over large range of AOIs
  • Patterned, resistance-controlled Chrome for eye-safe VCSEL illumination modules