Materion Balzers Optics' AR coatings are extremely precise and stable. The spectral width can be chosen from narrow up to ultra-broadband in the UV, visible and NIR spectral range.
Materion Balzers Optics offers a variety of broadband anti-reflection coatings to cover a large field of applications:
- Iralin™, a multilayer AR-coating designed for maximum efficiency in the visible range
- DuolinTM, a multilayer AR-coating for the visible range plus an additional laser line
- Supertriolin™, a multilayer AR-coating for a broad spectral range from 450 nm up to 1100 nm
- NIR TransmaxTM, a broadband multilayer AR-coating originally developed for Telecom applications. It is designed to exhibit lowest reflection in the range from 1250–1650 nm allowing very low insertion losses in the known telecom bands (S-, C- and L-band).
- Antireflective Coating for Polymer Lenses, a multilayer AR-Design for the visible or near infrared range. This coating solution was especially developed as an environmentally stable coating for deposition on UV-curable Polymer Lens Wafers