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Bob MacLeod
+1 978 392 3806
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Iralin™ - Duolin™ - Supertriolin™ – Broadband Anti-Reflection Coatings

Materion Balzers Optics offers a range of different anti-reflection coatings to cover a large field of applications. Multilayer AR-coatings designed for maximum efficiency in the visible range. Our Iralin™ family can be shifted either into the UV range down to 350 nm or into the near infrared up to 1100 nm. Duolin™ is laid out for the visible range plus an additional laser line. This can be any conventional low power laser. Supertriolin™ covers a very broad range of the spectrum between 450 nm up to 1100 nm. The bandwidth can even be extended as well at the cost of slightly higher reflectivity. All these coatings are useable for most commercial glass substrates.

More Anti-Reflection Coatings