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Sales Manager Defense

Bob MacLeod
+1 978 392 3806
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Consumer – Optical Coating Solutions for Mobile Devices

Materion Balzers Optics is a globally recognized leader in customized optical thin-film coatings and componentes for the consumer electronics industry.

We possess a broad and in-depth know-how in optical thin-film coating processes and capabilities necessary for producing optical components and subassemblies in high volumes to serve as your one-stop-shop for customized coating solutions for consumer applications.

Continuous innovation and quality improvements in our production sites in Liechtenstein, Germany and Malaysia allow us to support customers’ product development efforts as a trusted and reliable partner.

Mobile Devices

Mobile Devices

Materion Balzers Optics with its core-competency in optical precision coating is a key component sup... more

Augmented & Mixed Reality

Augmented & Mixed Reality

Augmented- and Mixed Reality headsets have come a long way from a science-fiction concept to actual ... more

Projection Systems

Projection Systems

For decades Materion Balzers Optics has set industry-standards when it comes to optical coating solu... more

Digital Photography

Digital Photography

Materion Balzers Optics offers a range of coating solutions for image sensor packaging including lid... more