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Sales Manager Defense

Bob MacLeod
+1 978 392 3806
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Mirrors – Our enhanced metallic mirrors and hard dielectric multi-layer coatings combine high reflectivity and excellent long-term stability

Metallic mirrors function over an extremely broad spectral range, while dielectric mirrors deliver even higher reflectivity over a shorter wavelength range. Mirrors designed to minimize polarization dependent effects are also available.



The versatile aluminum mirrors show an excellent stable performance in a wide range of application. ... more



Fluorescence systems (e.g. microscopes) are today widely used in the life science research. For many... more

Cavity Mirrors

Cavity Mirrors

The cavity (or resonator) mirrors are high reflecting (HR) or output coupling (OC) mirrors for gas o... more

Chirped Mirrors

Chirped Mirrors

Pulse reflection at a dielectric mirror leads to a broadening from the pulses and the reflected sign... more

Cold Mirrors

Cold Mirrors

Cold mirrors reflect visible light and allow the transmission of infrared radiation. In general, the... more

Dichroic Filters / Mirrors

Dichroic Filters / Mirrors

Dichroic filters/mirrors meet very narrow spectral band edge tolerances, highest degree of spectral ... more

Diflex™ Broadband Mirrors

Diflex™ Broadband Mirrors

Materion Balzers Optics provides the best choice of broadband high reflectivity mirrors. Diflex™ mir... more



All types of network and optical sensing devices utilize light which needs to be routed by reflector... more

GoboXtreme™ Dark

GoboXtreme™ Dark

Materion Balzers Optics’ GoboXtreme™ Dark is a high performance glass black & white gobo blank that ... more

GoboXtreme™ Anim. Wheel

GoboXtreme™ Anim. Wheel

Designer in the entertainment lighting industry uses the Animation Wheel for the most sophisticated ... more

LED ColorDichroics™

LED ColorDichroics™

Materion Balzers Optics’ LED ColorDichroics™ are used to efficiently transmit and/or reflect the lig... more

Laser Beamsteering Mirrors

Laser Beamsteering Mirrors

Materion Balzers Optics designs and produces flat mirrors for use in all mirror applications. Their ... more

Laser Gyros

Laser Gyros

RLG (Ring Laser Gyroscope) require mirrors and outcoupling coatings with very low absorption and sca... more

Infrared Laser Mirrors

Infrared Laser Mirrors

CO2 lasers are widely used in the cutting and welding business. They are able to process parts with ... more

Laser Scanning Mirrors

Laser Scanning Mirrors

Materion Balzers Optics offers a large variety of customer specific Laser scanning mirrors as they a... more

Ultra Short Pulse Mirrors

Ultra Short Pulse Mirrors

Mirrors for ultra short pulse laser are available for several wavelengths in the VIS and NIR range. ... more



Mirrors with a Silflex™ coating can be used over a broad spectral range with a reflectivity better t... more